Do you operate a social enterprise in BC? Or are you planning one?
We’re proud to share access to an eBook focused on options for structuring your social enterprise. Legal structures and income tax categories are entangled with each other, but are not the same. This resource clarifies the distinction.
Our friends at Scale Institute and Thriving Non-Profits have contributed their top-notch design talents (special thanks, to Fernanda!), invigorating what may seem like a daunting topic area.
Gifted and generous charity lawyer Richard Bridge reviewed the content, providing helpful guidance and notes.
Some common pitfalls and thinking errors include:
- Oversimplifying the issues, and rushing through decision-making.
- Committing to a separate legal structure to house the social enterprise, when the venture could have remained within a parent charity.
- Confusing legal structure with certification programs.
- Conflating legal structure with tax status.
- Viewing the newer ‘hybrid’ BC structures (Benefit Companies and Community Contribution Companies) as the sole (or always the best!) option for structuring social enterprise.
Click here to access the eBook.
If you’re interested in having a chat about how these issues relate to your own social enterprise, please reach out to book a one-hour Zoom chat.
Watch this space for details of a free June 2025 webinar on this topic, hosted by Thriving Non-Profits.