About Stacey Corriveau

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So far Stacey Corriveau has created 15 blog entries.

Free GrantScan resource assists Canadian organizations to access unrestricted grants and funding for operations, administration, overhead, and capacity building

We’re pleased to share news about a resource for accessing current grant opportunities, which is available free for use by [...]

2023-09-03T03:32:39+00:00By |Categories: Moving Forward|

BC is a hotbed of crowdfunding in Canada: a fresh way to support social enterprise launch and growth?

Recently, I had the opportunity to attend the National Crowdfunding Association of Canada (NCFA’s) 2015 conference in Vancouver. I approached [...]

2017-06-23T17:44:08+00:00By |Categories: Moving Forward|

Structure Shop – slideshow on legal structures for social enterprise, including BC’s C3 option

Supported by legal experts, the BC Centre for Social Enterprise, under its fee-based, non-profit project ‘The Structure Shop’, assists groups to [...]

2017-06-23T17:44:08+00:00By |Categories: Moving Forward|
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