If you are contacting us for specific advice, note that as a social enterprise itself, the Centre charges a fee for its expertise.
Our organization does not have core funding to offer free specialized supports.
We do publish free information, which we encourage groups to review. Please visit our News & Publications section, plus What is Social Enterprise.
The Centre holds a niche area of expertise in the area of legal structures for social enterprise; and is called upon to provide technical workshops to organizations, and one-on-one advice to groups that are structuring their social enterprises.
The menu of structures or ‘containers’ that can hold social enterprises in Canada includes non-profit organizations, charitable organizations, co-operatives, traditional taxable corporations, Benefit Companies (in BC), Community Contribution Companies (C3’s), sole proprietorships, and partnerships.
We provide tailored consulting advice to groups on which legal structure is best for a new social enterprise launch, but more often, how to use existing structures to accommodate the addition of a social enterprise. This includes Canada Revenue Agency compliance issues for charities and non-profits wishing to add business activities to their existing social programming.
Cost: $125+GST (hourly, by phone or Zoom)
One such session represents the most popular offering of the Centre, in the form of a dynamic introduction to social enterprise principles and practices. Topics covered include:
- Social enterprise ‘101’ – What is it? Why do it?
- An overview of the Canadian social enterprise landscape
- Common pitfalls, best practices and examples, and lessons learned
- The legal context – compliance for registered charities and non-profit organizations
- Possible next steps – an overview of venture selection and lean start-up
If your group is interested in an in-person session delivered at the site of your choosing, we would be delighted to provide a quote. There is no limit to the number of participants in your session.
For Canadian non-profit organizations considering applying to CRA’s Charities Directorate for charitable status, we can assist with the decision-making, ensuring that the group makes the most appropriate choice for its unique circumstances.
Supported by a specific charity lawyer with deep experience in this area, we work with non-profit clients to build the strongest application for charitable status.
Communications take place by phone, email, and Zoom: accommodating clients across Canada.
Our rate (which is shared with the lawyer) is the lowest that we have encountered for such work; and to date, every one of our charity applications has been successful.
Cost: $2,750+GST ($750+GST deposit required)
This process can take place in-person, or remotely.
Areas covered include analyses (as applicable) of:
- Charitable objects language versus actual activities
- Flow of grants to qualified donees
- Donation receipting
- GST / HST (determining whether registration is required)
- Employment of staff versus contracting
- Annual charity return (T3010) accuracy, including social enterprise reporting
- Social enterprise compliance within the charitable structure
Cost: varies, project fee is based on the size and complexity of the charity
Prepare for impact: legal structures and income tax categories eBook
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